Source code for pytill.pytill

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""
import os

import requests

TILL_API_KEY = os.getenv("API_KEY")
TILL_SEND_URL = "{}&api_key={}"

[docs]def send_message(numbers, text, tag=None, voice=False): """Send a message with till. Args: numbers (list): List of numbers to send message to. text (str): Message to send. tag (:obj:`str`, optional): Tag to tag the project with. Defaults to None. voice (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether or not to send message as boice. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: Data relating to monitoring the message sent: .. codeblock:: python { 'stats_url': param1, 'results_url': param2, 'project_launch_guid': param3 } Raises: HTTPError: For various reasons due to misconfiguration or insuffecient plan. Examples: Send a voice message with tag greeting to multiple people. >>> resp = pytill.send_message( ['19021231234', '19024564567'], text='Hi!', tag='Greeting', voice=True) {'stats_url': param1, 'results_url': param2, 'project_launch_guid': param3} """ msg = { 'phone': numbers, 'text': text } if voice: msg['method'] = "VOICE" if tag: msg['tag'] = tag resp = TILL_SEND_URL.format( TILL_UESERNAME, TILL_API_KEY ), json=msg ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]def make_question(text, tag, webhook, responses=None, conclude_on=None): """Make a question to ask. Args: text (str): Question to ask. tag (str): Question tag for retrieving results. webhook (str): Webhook to listen for results on. responses (:obj:`list`, optional): List of responses to provide. Defaults to None. conclude_on (:obj:`str`, optional): Response the question should conclude on. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: Question to be asked Examples: >>> question = pytill.make_question( "This is my cool question?", "cool-q-1", "sweet-web-hook-bro", responses=["yes", "no"], conclude_on="Thanks for answering." ) """ question = { "text": text, "tag": tag, "webhook": webhook } if conclude_on: question["conclude_on"] = conclude_on if responses: question["responses"] = responses return question
[docs]def send_question(numbers, questions, tag, introduction=None, conclusion=None, voice=False): """Send questions to ask Note that asking a question is how we open two-way communicate in Till so this is also how you intiate listening to responses to a sms number with Till Args: numbers (list): List of numbers to send questions to. questions (list): List of questions to send. tag (str): Project tag for retrieving results for various questions. introduction (:obj:`str`, optional): Optional introduction to question(s). Defaults to None. conclusion (:obj:`str`, optional): Optional conclusion to question(s). Defaults to None. voice (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether or not to ask the questions via voice. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: Data relating to monitoring the question sent: { 'stats_url': param1, 'results_url': param2, 'project_launch_guid': param3 } Example: >>> question = pytill.make_question('How cool is Till mobile?', 'my-question', 'my.webhook/listens/here') >>> pytill.send_question(['19024441111', '16139094888'], [question], 'my-project') """ question_payload = { "tag": tag, "phone": numbers, "questions": questions } if introduction: question_payload["introduction"] = introduction if conclusion: question_payload["conclusion"] = conclusion if voice: question_payload["method"] = "VOICE" resp = TILL_SEND_URL.format( TILL_UESERNAME, TILL_API_KEY ), json=question_payload ) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]def get_results(question_tag=None, project_tag=None, project_launch_guid=None, participant_guid=None): """ Get results for questions asked Args: question_tag (:obj:`str`, optional): Tag from question to retreive on. Defaults to None. project_tag (:obj:`str`, optional): Tag from project (ie. list of questions to retreive on. Defaults to None. project_launch_guid (:obj:`str`, optional): Project guid to retreive on. Defaults to None. participant_guid (:obj:`str`, optional): Participant guid (ie. person/number) to retreive on. Defaults to None. Example: >>> pytill.get_results(question_tag='my-question') {'meta': {'limit': 20, 'next': None, 'offset': 0, 'previous': None, 'total_count': 1}, 'objects': [{'created': '2018-08-27T19:07:35.423855', 'guid': '252cd98f-5969-44c9-a955-7bb54e6f0d19', 'origin_phone_number': '+16508668969', 'participant_guid': '883c8f57-74b9-43cb-bb72-c7634b97651a', 'participant_phone_number': '+19024000158', 'project_launch_guid': '80262aea-a77e-4a0c-911f-23b959aea6da', 'project_launch_participant_guid': '8a23ee27-4841-4f2b-83d5-2a59a05825b8', 'project_tag': 'my-project', 'question_display_order': '0', 'question_guid': '8c8c168f-87d5-454d-8bae-09781312c097', 'question_tag': 'my-question', 'question_text': 'How cool is Till mobile?', 'result_answer': 'really cool!', 'result_guid': '252cd98f-5969-44c9-a955-7bb54e6f0d19', 'result_response': 'really cool!', 'result_timestamp': '2018-08-27T19:07:35.423855', 'updated': '2018-08-27T19:07:35.423884'}]} """ query = { 'username': TILL_UESERNAME, 'api_key': TILL_API_KEY } if question_tag: query['question_tag'] = question_tag if project_tag: query['project_tag'] = project_tag if project_launch_guid: query['project_launch_guid'] = project_launch_guid if participant_guid: query['participant_guid'] = participant_guid resp = requests.get(TILL_RESULTS_URL, params=query) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]def get_result(result_guid): """Get single result from result guid retreived in a ``get_results`` call""" query = { 'username': TILL_UESERNAME, 'api_key': TILL_API_KEY } resp = requests.get(TILL_RESULT_URL.format(result_guid), params=query) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]def get_stats(project_tag=None): """Get status of your Till usage. This can be broken down by project_tag.""" query = { 'username': TILL_UESERNAME, 'api_key': TILL_API_KEY } if project_tag: query['project_tag'] = project_tag resp = requests.get(TILL_STATS_URL, params=query) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()
[docs]def get_stat(project_launch_guid): """Get particulat status for a project_launch_guid""" query = { 'username': TILL_UESERNAME, 'api_key': TILL_API_KEY } resp = requests.get(TILL_STAT_URL.format(project_launch_guid), params=query) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json()